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How to deal with spills and stains on chair fabric?


Dealing with spills and stains on chair fabric, particularly on a delicate material like bouclé, requires a careful approach to avoid damaging the fabric. 
Act Quickly: Attend to spills immediately to prevent them from setting into the fabric and causing permanent stains.
Blot the Spill: Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to gently blot the spill. Avoid rubbing the spill, as this can spread it further and push it deeper into the fabric fibers.
Spot Cleaning Solution: Mix a small amount of mild detergent or dish soap with water to create a gentle cleaning solution. Test the solution on a hidden area of the fabric first to ensure it doesn't cause any discoloration or damage.
Apply the Solution: Dampen a clean cloth with the cleaning solution and gently dab the stained area. Work from the outer edges of the stain towards the center to prevent spreading.
Blot and Rinse: Continue blotting the stain with the damp cloth until it starts to lift. Then, rinse the area by blotting with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
Allow to Air Dry: Let the fabric air dry naturally. Avoid using heat sources like hairdryers or direct sunlight, as these can damage the fabric fibers or cause shrinkage.
Repeat if Necessary: For stubborn stains, you may need to repeat the cleaning process several times. Be patient and persistent, but avoid over-saturating the fabric with cleaning solution.
Professional Cleaning: If the stain persists or if you're unsure about cleaning the fabric yourself, consider consulting a professional upholstery cleaner who specializes in delicate fabrics like bouclé.
Preventive Measures: To minimize the risk of future spills and stains, consider using fabric protectors or covers on your white boucle gold metal dining chairs. Encourage guests to handle food and drinks carefully while seated.